Officially ending the walk
Riding the red wave: November 10 update
october 16 walk update
october 10 walk update
september 26 walk update
september 19 walk update
august 10 walk update
august 4 walk update
july reflection
june 22 walk update
june 11 walk update
may 13 walk update
On beavers, interventions and making change for the descendants to come
Giving the bones back
ancestors, collective care, healing justice, bodywork, bodyworker, body practicesSusan Raffobones, bodywork, healing justice, healing, craniosacral, ortho-biotomy, andrew taylor still, NAGPRA, Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, skeleton, colonization, stealing, MOVE bombing
on the evolution of care
ancestors, collective care, healing justice, land and selfSusan Raffocare, collective care, evolution, ancestors, healing, Susan Raffo, embryology, Mississippi River, Christian supremacy
On impact: memento mori
Grief and gravity
Seeking Trans liberation through birthwork
The lineages healers have to contend with.... working with ancestors of purpose
At least two layers of support: an anatomy of collective care
collective careSusan Raffohealing justice, two layers, support, collective care, mutual aid, pod mapping, Susan Raffo, Ray Castellino, protect, REP